Essay 4 — Your Proposal in the Face of the Ecological Cataclysm 

Reading Focus

As you complete the readings under "Sacrificial Disruption versus Decisive Warfare" in the course outline, come to a conclusion as to whether Roger Hallam's proposal is better, or whether McBay, Keith and Jensen's is. Make sure that you carefully read Gelderloos, and seriously take that argument into account in making your assessment. Furthermore, be thinking of your own proposal for addressing the ecological cataclysm. 

Main Question

What is your proposal for addressing the ecological cataclysm? 


What is your proposal for addressing the ecological cataclysm? Do you agree wholeheartedly with either Hallam; or McBay, Keith and Jensen? Do you think one or the other would be better with significant modification? Do you have something entirely different to suggest? How does your opinion stand up against the various criticisms we have read? Be sure to address Gelderloos' argument — either in agreement or disagreement.  

Essay Preparation